Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai
Fun-filled daily activities from the first day of Eid until 11th July:

Fun-filled daily activities from the first day of Eid until 11th July:

Jun 29-Jul 11, 2016


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The Looney Tunes Parade with your favourite characters and stilt walkers, jugglers, a unicyclist and a marching band from 3pm to 8pm.

Play-Doh Activity Zone from 2pm to 10pm in India Court.

Sweet Melodies Workshop brings music and sweets together in a festival of celebration with lollipop balloons, a Marshmallow Workshop, Hard Candy Workshop
and String Candy Workshop from 2pm to 10pm in India Court and Persia Court.

Daily from the first day of Eid until 11 July 2016.


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